Warner Expresses Outrage at Handling of Opening Session Day

January 8, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Ryan Warner (R-Fayette) said he has never been more disgusted or outraged by actions taken on the opening day of the 2025-26 Legislative Session.

“While we had debate on who our next speaker would be and on these House rules, elected members of this House were silenced and not recognized to make motions and to debate the rules of this House,” Warner said. “To me, that is borderline tyranny. It goes against everything that this Commonwealth and this country stand for. It is an insult to our republic, and it is an insult to the rules of democracy.”

To view Warner’s comments on the matter, click here .

The state House convened on Tuesday, Jan. 7, to administer the oath of office to 202 of the 203 members, with one member currently hospitalized. House Democrats have a one-seat majority, but with the hospitalized member’s absence, there were 101 members of each party in the chamber to vote on the next speaker of the House and the operating rules of the session.

“Without a majority physically present in the House, votes were basically forced through without members having the opportunity to speak, debate or even clarify their votes,” Warner said. “The people we represent deserve better.”

Representative Ryan Warner
52nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia Hippler

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